Saturday 14 September 2019

Apologies and a New Scenario

Hello all,

I apologise sincerely for the lack of content here! In many ways I am a ‘hobby butterfly’ - namely I get super excited about a concept or a project, pour everything into it for a few weeks and then a switch is just fired and everything for that project stops. I’ve got more to say about this, but I am planning to save it for another post. This is not to say that I have given up on warhammer skirmish totally, rather I have just been working on other, less article-worthy aspects - the rules! I’ve been playing a few games of Warhammer Skirmish recently and the rules are just becoming a massive turn off for me. So, after doing the Warhammer skirmish document, I have begun devising my own rules and, while they still use warhammer profiles and use a couple of the same mechanics, they are diverging massively but are fun and novel and interesting. Sadly they are not ready to share with you all yet but hopefully they will be soon. In the meantime, here is a new scenario I have written and played with these rules, but I am sure they will work just fine with the standard Warhammer Skirmish ruleset.


The student wizard Ungaart Heimlich, having been expelled from the magical College of Light in Altdorf, has returned home to the town of Heideck in Averland. Shunned by his noble parents for the scandalous circumstances of his discharge from the college, he has taken refuge in an abandoned shack in the countryside around the town. Now, a few months after his return, the townsfolk and villagers have noticed strange happenings in the local graveyards and mausoleums. Burials have been disturbed. Even the corpses of the recently deceased, laid out prior to burial in the small temple of Morr just outside the town, have gone missing. After a town crier spotted several sinister figures shambling back along the path to the old shack, the town watch has been sent to investigate and arrest the wayward student sorcerer.


In this scenario the deviant student sorcerer Ungaart Heimlich has turned to the dark and forbidden arts of necromancy. Being only a novice before being thrown out of the College of Light, Ungaart is a level 1 wizard and only knows the spell Raise the Dead, but may cast it at any of the three levels described below. While no skeletons start on the board, Heimlich will be raising them throughout the game to defend himself, so the Undead player will need 12 Skeletons equipped with a mix of spears, great weapons or shields and light armour. The more eclectic the mix of weaponry the better!
On the attacking side are the Town Watch from Heideck. These are State troops of the province of Averland and consist of a Greatsword champion in heavy armour, who leads the party, 3 swordsmen, 3 halberdiers and 2 handgunners all with light armour.


The Town Watch are hoping to capture or kill the student necromancer and thus put an end to the spate of grave-robbing that is happening in and around the town. The Town Watch therefore win if they manage to kill Ungaart by the end of the game.
Ungaart is determined not to come quietly – he has great and sinister plans for the town and his hated parents and he cannot afford to be captured or killed at this vital moment! The undead player will therefore win if Heimlich stays alive and if all of the Town Watch force has been killed by the end of the game.


Using a 2’ by 2’ board, place a single small building, representing the abandoned shack where Ungaart has taken up his malign residence, in the South-west corner of the board. Keep the centre 12” by 12” of the board relatively free of terrain, but place trees and scattered rocks or ruined walls and buildings around the rest of the board.


Ungaart starts the game next to the shack, in a position marked by the X on the map. No skeletons or zombies are deployed at the start of the game but will be raised throughout play.
The Town Watch patrol starts in the North-east corner of the board, deploying within a 6” by 6” square shown in red on the map.

Special Rules

Determined: The Town Patrol are determined to end the menace posed by Ungaart. As such, normal morale rules are not used in this game and the Town Patrol does not need to make any panic or fear tests for facing the Undead or for any casualties suffered. Similarly, Ungaarts force does not need to take any morale tests regardless of how many zombies or skeletons are destroyed by the Town Watch.

Raise the Dead: This spell can be cast by Ungaart at levels 1, 2 or 3. The effects of each casting level are described below. A maximum of 12 skeletons can be in play at once, representing the limits of the fledgling necromancer’s power.

Level 1: Raises D3 Skeletons within 3” of the caster (casting value 5+).
Level 2: Raises 2D3 Skeletons within 3” of the caster (casting value 7+).
Level 3: Raises 2D6 Skeletons within 6” of the caster (casting value 9+).


The Town Watch

Unit M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Equipment & Notes
Greatsword Champion 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+ Heavy Armour, Greatsword
Swordsman 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+ Light Armour, Shield
Halberdier 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 6 Light Armour, Halberd
Handgunner 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 6 Light Armour, Handgun

The Undead

Unit M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Equipment & Notes
Ungaart Heimlich 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7 - Wizard Staff,
Level 1 Wizard
Skeleton 3 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 5+ Light Armour, Shield
Skeleton 3 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 6 Light Armour, Spear
Skeleton 3 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 6 Light Armour, Great Weapon

All models also have a hand weapon unless otherwise specified.

Note: when in close combat (i.e. in base contact) against only one enemy, a model that is armed with a shield and a hand weapon and is not knocked down gets an additional +1 save bonus, meaning the appropriate models above would have a total save of 4+, instead of 5+. This is lost when fighting against two or more enemy models or when knocked down. This bonus does not apply against shooting attacks.

I hope you enjoy this scenario! Let me know what you think and how you would change it if you do play through it. I would really appreciate your feedback.

If you want to see more of my modelling and painting shenanigans please follow me on instagram – I post slightly more regularly there than I do here. Link:

Thank you for reading,


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